












译文:Analysis of the origin of the original intention and connotation of flying yellow

"Apprentice" this idiom also has the meaning of blessing others to achieve brilliant achievements, but the origin of this idiom is not simple, first of all may wish to break down this idiom to analyze one by one.

"Feihuang" and "Tengda" are just two words, one is the subject and the other is the predicate, which form the subject-predicate structure. The predicate verb "Tengda" is very easy to understand, representing a kind of take-off, straight to the sky meaning, meaning upward, enterprising.

Relatively speaking, the word "flying yellow" is more obscure and seems to be rarely used alone in daily communication.

In fact, "flying yellow" originated in ancient times, it was a strange beast in myths and legends, this beast looks like a horse, is called "riding yellow", but because this horse can fly, so it is also called "flying yellow".

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas · Overseas Western Classic" has a cloud, "there is a yellow, its shape like a fox, its back has horns, by the life of two thousand years old. Can see this kind of what looks and the general horse is not the same, but close to the fox, that is more beautiful, but this kind of horse long horn on the back, and will fly, if you can ride this kind of horse can have a long life of two thousand years.

In ancient mythology, a dragon horse similar to "flying yellow" appeared in the garden of the Yellow Emperor, who later became the leader of the Huaxia tribe.

It is worth mentioning that there is something similar in the ancient mythology of the West, but they call it a "unicorn", a horse with a horn on its head and the ability to fly, which is a symbol of good luck, which makes people speculate that perhaps the ancient "flying yellow" creature really existed.

Although "flying yellow" dates back to ancient times, the idiom "Apprentice Apprentice" first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, from a famous writer Han Yu's essay urging him to study.

Han Yu once wrote in "Fu read south", "two children, children Qiao phase such as...... Thirty skeletons, like a dragon and a pig, fly away, not toads." One is willing to study and strive for progress, the other does not study hard, and then the one who reads books rides away on horseback, while the other is like a toad.

Han Yu used this idiom to express his ardent hope that his child could become a good student and become an outstanding person.

Later, his son did pass the imperial examination, and although he was not as famous as Han Yu, he also served as an official for decades. So later generations often use "fly leisure is stepping to bless others promoting to a higher position, after hundreds of years of evolution, then gradually into the idiom" the apprentice ", has been in use today.





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